The purpose of Green Hydrogen Systems’ whistleblower scheme is to contribute to the detection and, as far as possible, the prevention of serious errors and misconduct.
The whistleblower scheme is a supplement to the direct, daily communication in the workplace regarding errors and unsatisfactory conditions etc. We encourage you to read this before reporting your suspicion or concern.
Who can submit a report?
The whistleblower scheme can be used by employees and external parties to speak up about problematic issues at Green Hydrogen Systems in confidentiality while being able to maintain your anonymity and without having to fear negative consequences.
Knowledge or suspicion of serious issues. Examples include the following:- Criminal offences, e.g. misuse of funds, theft, fraud, embezzlement, bribery, accounts manipulation, etc.
- Serious or repeat breaches of legislation, including, for example, breaches of environmental legislation and competition legislation.
- Serious or repeat breaches of significant internal guidelines, e.g. regarding business travel, gifts of an inappropriate scope and purpose, conflicts of interest, and bribery, accounts submission, insider trading regulations (cf. internal capital markets rules), etc.
- Serious interpersonal conflicts in the workplace, e.g. in the form of sexual harassment or other types of serious harassment.
- Serious threats to the environment, health and safety.
The whistleblower scheme is not to be used to report dissatisfaction related to salary levels, less serious interpersonal conflicts and disagreements or any other HR-related matters. Such matters are to be reported through our normal management structure i.e. to your immediate manager or to HR.
However, the whistleblower scheme can be used as an alternative if your suspicion concerns your immediate contact in Green Hydrogen Systems or if you for other reasons feel more comfortable contacting PwC through the whistleblower scheme.
Do not use the whistleblower scheme to report events that pose an immediate threat to life or health. If you need urgent help, please use the public emergency services.
The whistleblower scheme provides for confidentiality and anonymity, and the whistleblower reports are received by an external third party, PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab “PwC”) who is an independent audit, tax and advisory house.
The whistleblower scheme is managed by PwC on behalf of Green Hydrogen Systems to ensure an independent and anonymous channel for you to report your concerns. After a preliminary review, the reports will be forwarded to an impartial person in Green Hydrogen Systems who will be responsible for determining what the appropriate action will be.
Read more about the whistleblower scheme in our whistleblower policy.
Submit a report
The purpose of the whistleblower scheme is to create a secure framework for employees and external parties to speak up about problematic issues at Green Hydrogen Systems while being able to maintain their anonymity and without having to fear negative consequences.
If you wish to remain anonymous, do not disclose your name or other personally identifiable information, such as address or phone number.
If you choose to remain anonymous, you should know that it may complicate the investigation of the concern reported as we cannot engage in a dialogue and ask clarifying questions or request additional information or documentation. We, therefore, encourage you to provide your contact information so that PwC has the opportunity to investigate the circumstances of the report.
If you enter your contact information, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 24 hours of submitting your report.
Whistleblower protection
Green Hydrogen Systems does not tolerate harassment, acts of retaliation, or any other type of penalty against whistleblowers who submit their reports in good faith under the whistleblower scheme.
It is prohibited to deliberately submit incorrect or misleading information via the whistleblower scheme. Reports submitted in bad faith will depending on the circumstances, result in negative employment law consequences for the whistleblower.